“Celebrating 60 Years of Iron Mikes”
April 20, 2024 at Trenton Country Club
Sponsorship Packages
Legacy Sponsor $10,000
Includes table of 10, recognition at the Celebration including signage, special full-page ad, recognition on school website and social media, recognition at upcoming school events.
Iron Mike Sponsor $5,000
Includes 6 tickets, recognition at the Celebration including signage, full page ad, recognition on school website and social media, recognition at upcoming school events.
Foundation Sponsor $2,500
Includes 4 tickets, recognition at the Celebration including signage, full page ad, recognition on school website and social media, recognition at upcoming school events.
Table Sponsor - $1,400, includes confirmed seating for 10
Includes 10 tickets and recognition in the program.
Brown and Gold Sponsor $1,000
Includes 2 tickets, recognition at the Celebration including signage, ½ page ad and recognition on school website and social media, recognition at upcoming school events.
Program Book
Front Inside Cover $1,000 (7.5” h x 6” w)
Back Inside Cover $1,000 (7.5” h x 6” w)
Back Cover $1,000 (7.5” h x 6” w)
Full Page $500 (7.5” h x 6” w)
Half Page $250 (3.75” h x 6” w)
Quarter Page $100 (3.75” h x 3” w)
Business Card $75 (1.75” h x 3” w)
Friend of Iron Mike $50 (single listing of name)
Email ads for the Program Book in JPEG or PDF to dviola@trentoncatholicprep.org, NO LATER THAN April 6, 2024. Thank you.